In this article, we are going to give you some tips on buying products for your pipe system. These are often very technical products that require a lot of prior knowledge. If, for example, you don’t know the ins and outs of a 5D bend or a barred tee fitting, we strongly recommend that you read on. We will explain these products and give you tips on where to buy them. Let’s start with the 5D bend. The 5D bend is a type of bend pipe that is five times larger than a regular pipe bend. The ‘5’ in 5D bend stands for the radius of a pipe bend compared to the regular pipe bend. Pay close attention to the size of pipe that you need. What do you need to know about a barred tee fitting?If you have not heard of a barred tee fitting, we will be happy to help you with a brief explanation. It is a fitting that you need when cleaning your tube system. This cleaning is called ‘pigging’ and is done with a cleaning plug, which is called the ‘pig’. The pig circulates in your pipe system, but needs to be controlled. This is where barred tee fittings come into play. A barred tee stops the pig and allows you to direct the plug. A specialist like will surely sell the barred tee you need! Ask for more informationDo not hesitate to ask a specialist for more information if necessary. Specialists such as are ready to assist you. They answer all technical questions and give advice, so that you can be sure to buy the right products. In addition, you can also contact them for cunifer pipes and all other types of pipes that you may need. Hopefully, after reading this article, you have gained a better understanding of the functions of a 5D bend pipe and a barred tee fitting. |